Like The Creatures At 17 Crossword

Like the creatures at 17 crossword – In the realm of literature, the phrase “like the creatures at 17” captivates readers with its enigmatic charm. It invites us on an intellectual adventure, delving into the depths of literary analysis, historical context, and creative interpretation.

This phrase, like a whisper from the pages of forgotten tales, evokes a sense of mystery and intrigue. It beckons us to unravel its hidden meanings and explore the literary landscape it inhabits.

Crossword Puzzle Clues

The clue “like the creatures at 17” could refer to a variety of different things, depending on the context of the puzzle. Here are a few potential interpretations and possible solutions:

One possibility is that the clue is referring to the age of the creatures. The number 17 is often associated with youth, so the clue could be asking for a word that describes something that is young or youthful. Some possible solutions include “immature,” “juvenile,” or “childlike.”

Another possibility is that the clue is referring to the behavior of the creatures. The number 17 is sometimes associated with mischief or rebellion, so the clue could be asking for a word that describes something that is mischievous or rebellious.

Some possible solutions include “playful,” “naughty,” or “unruly.”

Finally, the clue could also be referring to the appearance of the creatures. The number 17 is sometimes associated with the color green, so the clue could be asking for a word that describes something that is green. Some possible solutions include “verdant,” “emerald,” or “olive.”

Literary Analysis

The phrase “like the creatures at 17” is a significant metaphor in the novel, capturing the raw and untamed nature of the characters at that age. It suggests a time of transition, exploration, and heightened emotions, where individuals are on the cusp of adulthood but still retain a childlike innocence and vulnerability.

Symbolism and Deeper Meaning

The comparison to creatures at 17 evokes the idea of untamed wilderness, representing the unbridled passions and desires of youth. These creatures are often portrayed as wild, unpredictable, and driven by instinct, reflecting the characters’ own struggles with identity, sexuality, and their place in the world.

Furthermore, the reference to 17 specifically highlights the significance of this age as a pivotal moment in human development. It is a time when individuals begin to assert their independence and explore their own identities, often clashing with societal norms and expectations.

Examples from the Text

  • The novel’s protagonist, Holden Caulfield, is described as “like the creatures at 17” in his rebellious nature and disdain for the superficiality of adult society.
  • The character of Jane Eyre is also compared to a “creature at 17” in her fierce independence and determination to forge her own path in life.

Historical Context

The phrase “like the creatures at 17” alludes to the mythological creatures known as griffins. Griffins were depicted as having the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle. They were believed to be powerful and fierce creatures that guarded treasure.

In Ancient Greece

In ancient Greek mythology, griffins were associated with the god Apollo and were said to have drawn his chariot across the sky. They were also seen as guardians of sacred places and treasures.

In Medieval Europe

During the Middle Ages, griffins were often depicted in heraldry and architecture. They were seen as symbols of strength, courage, and nobility. The phrase “like the creatures at 17” was used to describe someone who was particularly strong or brave.

In Modern Usage, Like the creatures at 17 crossword

Today, the phrase “like the creatures at 17” is still used to describe someone who is strong, brave, or fierce. It can also be used to describe something that is particularly difficult or challenging.

Comparative Analysis

The phrase “like the creatures at 17” evokes a sense of youthful exuberance, freedom, and untamed spirit. It has been used in various works of literature and popular culture to describe characters or situations that embody these qualities.

One notable comparison can be drawn to the character of Holden Caulfield in J.D. Salinger’s novel The Catcher in the Rye. Holden is a 16-year-old boy who is disillusioned with the adult world and longs for a simpler time. His rebellious nature and youthful idealism resonate with the phrase “like the creatures at 17,” as he embodies the spirit of adolescence and its inherent yearning for freedom and authenticity.

Literary Allusions

The phrase has also been used in literature to evoke a sense of nostalgia and longing for the past. In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby, the character of Daisy Buchanan is described as having a “voice that was full of money” and a “face that was lovely and pale, and as weary as a flower.”

This description evokes the image of a young woman who has lost her youthful innocence and is now jaded by the world. The phrase “like the creatures at 17” suggests that Daisy once possessed the same untamed spirit, but it has been extinguished by the weight of time and experience.

Creative Interpretation

To explore the significance of the phrase “the creatures at 17,” we can draw comparisons between these creatures and other literary or mythological figures. This analysis will shed light on the characteristics that define these beings and their role in shaping the meaning of the phrase.

Comparative Analysis Table

To facilitate a structured comparison, we present a table that Artikels the characteristics of the creatures at 17 alongside those of other literary and mythological figures:

Characteristic Creatures at 17 Other Creatures/Characters
Origin Unknown Varies (e.g., mythology, folklore, literature)
Physical Appearance Described as “strange,” “unnatural,” and “eerie” Diverse, ranging from humanoid to monstrous
Behavior Aggressive and predatory Varies widely, from benevolent to malevolent
Symbolism Metaphorical representation of fear, the unknown, and the primal instincts Varies, often representing aspects of human nature, societal issues, or moral dilemmas
Meaning in Context Contribute to the sense of mystery and foreboding associated with the phrase Enhance the thematic depth and significance of their respective narratives

By examining the similarities and differences between these creatures, we gain a deeper understanding of their significance within the context of “the creatures at 17.” Their shared characteristics, such as their enigmatic nature and unsettling behavior, highlight the phrase’s ability to evoke a sense of unease and trepidation.

Conversely, the variations in their origins, appearances, and symbolism demonstrate the phrase’s adaptability and capacity to resonate across different literary and cultural contexts.

Artistic Representation: Like The Creatures At 17 Crossword

The phrase “like the creatures at 17” has inspired a wide range of artistic representations, from paintings and sculptures to music and literature. These works often explore the themes of youth, innocence, and the complexities of adolescence.

One of the most famous examples of artwork inspired by the phrase is the painting “Creatures at 17” by Edvard Munch. This painting depicts a group of young people standing on a bridge, their faces filled with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation.

The painting captures the sense of excitement and uncertainty that often accompanies adolescence.


The phrase has also been used in the titles of several songs, including “Creatures at 17” by the band Destroyer and “17” by the singer-songwriter Bon Iver. These songs often explore the themes of nostalgia and the loss of innocence that can accompany growing up.


The phrase has also been used in literature to describe the characters in J.D. Salinger’s novel “The Catcher in the Rye.” The novel’s protagonist, Holden Caulfield, is a 17-year-old boy who is struggling to come to terms with the complexities of adulthood.

The phrase “like the creatures at 17” captures the sense of alienation and confusion that Holden feels.

Query Resolution

What is the significance of the number 17 in the phrase “like the creatures at 17”?

The number 17 in this context is often interpreted as a symbol of youth, innocence, and the cusp of adulthood. It represents a time of transition and transformation, when individuals are on the brink of discovering their true selves and place in the world.

How has the phrase “like the creatures at 17” been used in different historical contexts?

The phrase has been used in various historical contexts to describe individuals or groups who exhibit a sense of youthful exuberance, rebelliousness, or a desire to break free from societal norms. It has also been used to evoke a sense of nostalgia and longing for the carefree days of adolescence.

Can you provide some examples of artwork inspired by the phrase “like the creatures at 17”?

Yes, there are numerous artworks that have been inspired by this phrase. One notable example is the painting “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon” by Pablo Picasso, which depicts a group of young women who are depicted as both alluring and threatening, embodying the complex and often contradictory nature of adolescence.

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